
Just an update.. about The Nina Project

I want you to know that I am working in a new blog, and I am moving all the contents to the new blog. In case you want to enter here is the new adress http://theninaproject.wordpress.com/
Hope you like it! And thanks for reading!!
This space will be close in about a month.
Thank you.


San Francisco

Last month I have the oportunity to visit San Francisco for my first time. I think is one of the most beautiful cities I know, and it´s totally worth it. So if you have a chance to visit this lovely city, don´t hesitate, just do it. This is my first post of many about SFO and with this I am introducing my new feature "trekking the world". Hope you like it.
p.s: photos by me.


Inspiration is in the air...

I found this amazing artist Julian Bialowas and I really want to share his work. He has mix graphic design and photography in a very unique way. Hope you like it, I found it for this time of the year very inspiring :)
To see more of his work visit Proyect 365Q


I am back!!

It has pass so much time since my last post, I would love to start over with this so soon I am going to maka some changes around here, I hope yo like it. News soon :)


Playing with colors..

I love colors, and all the varieties that you can have changing tones. So I love to mix, play and create new things. For this I used photos I took with Instagram (a very funny application por iphone where you can edit your photos and post them in Instagram Social Network...here are the results..



Fluo is the new Black…

I love things that have beautiful and bright colors. Sometimes I feel like a little kid just looking around for that extreme Pink in a shop, or that shocking green jacket that you know it´s not going to match with nothing, but is just beautiful to see it, so unique!. Even though I think I am a color´s lover I usually use the Black because is like a “wild card” in a wardrove. But I admire people who push the boundries and use fluo in their style,  Im going to introduce more fluo to my life! This are my “fluo findings” of the week…

This shoes from Ruthie Davis Model Lava Lamp. Photo from here.

♥ This super over the Edge design by the genious Manish Arora I am in love with this designer. Photo from here.

♥ My super dopper funny watch, by Swatch ( design by Manish Arora). 

♥ This lovely pair of snakers I bought in a recent trip.

This super fun Diesel fluo jeans. Photo from here.
Hope you like it!!


Beautiful earrings!!!

Hola!! Primero que nada feliz año!!! Sigo super insipirada con el desafío de "Re-Style" que organiza el blog Beautiful Mess. Como estoy al sur del mundo y en este hemisferio es verano pense en buscar hacer algo lindo con colores pasteles.. Así que para arrancar el año nada mejor que caravanas nuevas :) La idea fue buscar un par de caravanas que no usara más y darles un toque moderno y veraniego. Este fue el resultado:
 Prometo publicar un tutorial soon para que todos puedan armar sus caravanas!! Seguiré pensando en ideas


Proyecto "Re Style"

Hace unos días leyendo uno de mis blogs favoritos A Beautiful Mess me enteré que estaban organizando un proyecto en Flickr que se llama "Project ReStyle" donde invitan a postear fotos de antes y después de diferentes proyectos. Me pareció una idea muy divertida!!! Así que decidí publicar mi propio antes y después.
Este mueble solía ser un zapatero que se transformó en un almacenador de materiales para mi estudio.
Si les divierte es muy fácil!! Sólo necesitan conseguir pintura de pizarrón y voilá! Un tip importante: procuren asegurarse de no pinturar las manijas. Para eso nada mejor que conseguir cinta papel!!
Good luck! besoos


Mi estudio es mi lugar preferido en el mundo, lo decoré con colores que me gustan y pequeños detalles que me hacen feliz.♥